Horny goat weed also known, among other things as Yin Yang Huo or Epimedium, has been used as a sex booster for hundreds of years and was discovered quite accidentally by goat herders who noticed that their goats became sexually aroused after eating the weed.
Our Pure Horny Goat Weed concentrate has been refined, had the active ingredients extracted and produced into an easy to take capsule, designed for both men and woman who are looking to support their libido and sexual health.
Horny Goat Weed is a great natural alternative for supporting erectile function.
Men and woman may experience increased libido.
Horny Goat weed may effect anticoagulants and blood pressure medications. If you are taking any supplements or drugs check with your doctor first.
No prescription needed. However, if you are on medication or suffering any serious health issues check with your doctor first.